Welcome to my korner of the world, with big bay windows. I like to let the sun shine in and warm me, so that I can be inspired. With that inspiration of warmth, I can create a better me, and hopefully touch other lives for the better. And together perhaps we can piece together a better, more positive world.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Challenging Myself - and YOU!

And......2012 is now here, and in full swing already.  I have a wish for all who read my blog and that is:  May we all be able to let the yuckies and regrets from 2011 be washed away and forgotten, yet keep the lessons we have learned fresh in our minds. May the NEW YEAR bring us blessings and delights, and just enough of the yucks to make us aware of the joys we have each day, and be grateful for them. May we all look to joyously give to others, whether it be a smile, a hug, an encouraging word, or a beautifully made gift. May we all be able to accept these small gifts in kind, and then pay it forward.  May we remember to say thank you from the heart, and be kind to ourselves and our communities.

I have a few goals for this year.  One is to finish a major project, the Cassandra Shawl,   http://lilygo.blogspot.com/2011/02/cassandra-crocheted-shawl-pattern-for.html , which was gifted to me by a sweet lady whom I have never met in person, but feel as if she is a very dear friend.  I started it last year, then ripped it out, as I didn't like how it looked, and was very unsure of my ability to make it.  I have done a lot of crocheting in the last year, and feel much more confident about myself, crocheting terms/directions, and the ability to make this gorgeous shawl.

I plan on updating the blog once a week with my progress, as well as posting pictures of my progress.  I am sure that I will learn many new techniques, and be well challenged.  I encourage each of you to find a special project to work on throughout the year, and share your progress.  I know that I am looking forward to being able to wear this beauty and show it off, once completed.  It may take me all year to finish, but then again, I may get to where I am so thrilled with my work, that I won't be able to put it down, and will finish it in 6 months, or 3 months.....who knows the challenges at this point. 

I will also be working on other projects, lots of needle felting and other crochet projects as well.  I plan to have an Etsy shop open and running by the end of January.  I will also be teaching some felting classes at one of the yarn stores in Albuquerque, and hoping to do that on a monthly basis.  So I will be busy, but am so looking forward to the challenges it brings.

What are you wanting to create this year?  What are you working on that helps you to improve your skills or learn new techniques?  What about getting out of that comfort zone scares you?  We are creatures that need stimulation, remolding, growth, expansion of our minds and abilities.  So why not start now, with the new year, and do one thing each day to expand who you are, your abilities, your joy in life?  Find something new you want to do, and share it with your beloved family and friends.

My challenge to you is to find one item, one dream, and push yourself to make it come to fruition.  Learn a new craft, write that book, paint the room, go and photograph nature, just find something, anything, to bring more joy into your life.  And then share the joy! That is how the world changes for the better.  One joy, dwell on it, share it, and encourage others to do the same.

May 2012 be full of:  Love, Compassion, Joy, Excitement, Challenges, and Abundance. 

Many blessings, smiles, and laughter to each of you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carly, I got to your blog through your Ravelry profile. I like your ambition for the new year. At which store will you be teaching felting? I've been interested in needle felting but haven't tried it yet.

